Chelsea Personal Training Blog

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Meet Chelsea Personal Training's London Personal Trainers!

Meet Chelsea Personal Training's London Personal Trainers!

We hope that 2017 has started on a healthy and happy note for you all!

I would like to take this opportunity to introduce you to our personal trainers and Pilates instructors so that you can get to know them and their expertise a bit better. They have been helping me during my maternity leave and will continue to do so. I am indebted to them.

What do you look for in a Personal Trainer? We think what makes a great Personal Trainer is professionalism (qualified, communicates effectively and consistently, knows and shares the latest exercise and training information, remains discreet, turns up five minutes early – always-, doesn’t look at their mobile phone during a training session, etc.) fun (enjoys what they do and they let it shine), and approachable (friendly, motivating, personable and good to be around). Furthermore, their great personalities play a big role in building lasting relationships with our clients. We believe our top London Personal Trainers are like this!

We have four fabulous Personal Trainers and an incredible Pilates instructor. They are Paul, Carrie, Dan, Louenna and Tian. Read on and get to know them!

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Water: why personal trainers recommend drinking a lot of it!

Water: why personal trainers recommend drinking a lot of it!

I like to think that I have a sense of humour. Unfortunately, this sense seems to escape me when I need it the most. I wish for any jokes to come to mind when I try to be influential in persuading others to engage in more exercise, eat well, keep a healthy mental attitude and drink more water. The reason is because I know a sense of humour is one of the best ways to relay a key message. Let’s see if what I fail to do in person, I can convey and maintain in this blog about the importance of drinking enough water throughout the day, every day, everyday. This blog will identify some of the facts, myths and benefits of drinking water and give some practical recommendations to ease water into your everyday lives. It has the potential to get personal and lack a sense of humour too!

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Exercise and the importance of motivation from our top personal trainers in the new year.

Exercise and the importance of motivation from our top personal trainers in the new year.

The New Year is here and already December is a fond memory. Aside from the festive recollections that we like to cherish, some of us may have a few more festive realities clinging on after over indulging.

You may be thinking ‘New Year, New Me – lets do this.’ Many people want to start out the year as they mean to go on, but it isn’t always so easy to maintain when our busy lives start up again after the Christmas break. Work, family and fun all get in the way and provide us with many excuses not to do that planned work out. This is where we must change our thought processes and forget any excuses that may be running through our minds.

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Personal Training for a Positive Childbirth Experience

Personal Training for a Positive Childbirth Experience

London female personal trainer and director of Chelsea Personal Training, Agi has decided to share her positive childbirth experience and how she prepared for it following the good and quick birth of her daughter, Lana, in November 2015.

I have chosen to share my good birth experience because the following left a big impression on my heart from the Tell Me a Good Birth Story website:

"It isn’t easy to tell a good birth story. Thousands of women give birth easily every day, but we don’t hear about them because they are outnumbered by all the scare stories that circulate. Or often they are censored in the first place. Given that in an average post-natal coffee morning, seven out of ten of the women will have experienced difficult or even traumatic births, it’s not surprising that women with good birth stories feel the need to keep quiet, or imply they got lucky.

But this is wrong, a distortion of the facts, and a shocking waste of a powerful social and emotional opportunity.

Talking about your own good birth – in the right way, with the appropriate tone – is exactly what is needed to help other pregnant women have a good experience too," (

In this first blog after a long time out, I will talk about my personal journey of pregnancy and the birth of my daughter, and my top five tips that helped me the most during pregnancy and in preparation for the birth itself.

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Personal trainer’s tips for resistance training for your abs!
Exercise N Lockerbie Exercise N Lockerbie

Personal trainer’s tips for resistance training for your abs!

Do I really have a six-pack? Yes, you do! First, here comes the science bit. Your core consists of four muscles; the deep pelvic floor muscles, the transverse abdominis, the obliques and the rectus abdominis (RA). The latter is your six-pack and is the muscle that we like to display on holiday when flat and toned! Our personal trainers will share a few hints on how to work on getting flatter abs without doing a thousand crunches (you will still need to do some!) You can read more about the anatomy of the rectus abdominis and its location and function.

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Juices, smoothies, detox drinks; are they making you fat?
Nutrition N Lockerbie Nutrition N Lockerbie

Juices, smoothies, detox drinks; are they making you fat?

Juice bars are popping up everywhere in London. Perhaps they will become the new ‘cafes’? They offer that little luxury and a new kind of chill out place attracting the health conscious. You can buy juices with protein powder for added marketing effect (‘helps with muscle gain’) and antioxidants (‘free yourself from free radicals’).

As part of a balanced diet, a vegetable or fruit juice or a smoothie is an enjoyable beverage. As a meal replacement either once a day or replacing all three meals a day, this is a dangerous diet option.

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Bringing the personal back into Personal Training.
Psychology N Lockerbie Psychology N Lockerbie

Bringing the personal back into Personal Training.

Six packs. Muscles. Detox. No pain, no gain. Protein. Supplements. Scales. Numbers. Measurements. Diets. Fitness Apps. Fat. Bikini body. Lose 2 stones in 4 weeks.

What makes personal training personal? I would like to be bold and suggest that it is none of the above (although they are certainly relevant to the fast paced, quick results, sexy perception of the fitness world). I would like to go a step further and suggest that we get back to basics and allow personal training to make its way back to being well…more personal! Personal training must be about the client and their story.

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Personal training for depression? Personal Trainers share the benefits of exercise for depression.

Personal training for depression? Personal Trainers share the benefits of exercise for depression.

Personal training is not often associated with mental health, and in particularly with depression. However, exercise is. There are numerous studies that show that taking part in physical activity reduces the symptoms of depression. Some go further to suggest that activity such as running has the power to cure depression. Is there a way to lead those with symptoms or a diagnosis of clinical depression to take up personal training? We share the mental health benefits of exercising with a personal trainer if you are feeling low and advise on taking steps towards working closely with other professionals to help those with depression to take up regular physical activity.

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Motivation: where are you in the stages of change to exercise?
EXERCISE N Lockerbie EXERCISE N Lockerbie

Motivation: where are you in the stages of change to exercise?

There are a number of theories relating to the motivation to start and to adhere to exercise. A well-known theory is Prochaska and DiClemente’s (1983) Stage Theory. This is a transtheoretical (stages of change) model of behaviour change that looks at the development for the readiness to change a health behaviour, for example, stopping smoking, reducing alcohol intake etc. The idea behind the model focuses on the five stages of change: pre-contemplation, contemplation, preparation, action and maintenance. The model may be useful in helping to identify which stage of change you might be in regarding exercise and hiring a personal trainer and more importantly why you are in the stage your are in. personal trainer

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Personal trainers suggest resistance training for low back pain.
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Personal trainers suggest resistance training for low back pain.

Tom, who lives in France, writes to Chelsea Personal Training asking about exercises that would help improve his “rubbish back”. Tom has always been active but a year of back pain in his 30s has meant participating less in the activities that he enjoys such as rock climbing. The following blog is an excerpt of the email communication that sees Tom’s low back pain improve with targeted body weight and resistance training exercises.

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Training for a 5K run? London personal trainers outline a training plan

Training for a 5K run? London personal trainers outline a training plan

Training for a 5K run may sound daunting if you are “not a runner”. In truth, you can become a runner! With the comprehensive plan outlined by personal trainers in West London, you will be off the sofa, putting on your running specific trainers and enjoying the great outdoors in no time! Discover how personal training can help you to achieve your running goals.

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Are you thinking of hiring a personal trainer in London?

Are you thinking of hiring a personal trainer in London?

A client once shared with me that she saw a poster in New York advertising personal training with the following slogan “you wouldn’t do your own tax return if you didn’t know what you were doing and you would hire a tax advisor to help you. The same is true for personal training.” I continue to share this story when I talk about the benefits of personal training to meet your fitness goals.

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